Dog Training in St. Charles, MO

Power Up Your Pup’s Behavior!

Whether you’re looking to teach your pup the basics, or need help with barking and lunging, barking or marking, we would be happy to help!

How can we help power up your pup?

Walking politely on leash

Learning sit, down, come!

Puppy manners & house training

Stop barking and lunging at people

Teach polite greetings

Stop barking and lunging at other dogs

Prevent countersurfing

Waiting patiently at the door (no more door dashing!)

Go to bed and stay

Fun tricks to build your relationship

Teaching what to chew (and what not to!)

Leave it

Have you adopted a dog in the 30 days?

Dogs and puppies are often returned to a shelter or rescue soon after adoption because of unexpected behavior issues or unfulfilled expectations.

Let us work with you and your new pup to set up management, prevention, and training skills to your home to make your lives better!

If you live in St. Charles County, we are now offering a lower cost option for training solutions catered to your situation! Contact us to let us know how we can help!

How it Works

After your initial contact, either by phone, email or the contact form, I will provide you with an option to pick a time for a free consultation that will normally last 15 to 20 minutes. We will discuss issues you want to cover, your dog’s history, and options for meeting, either at your location or in public.

Pricing will start at $150 for 1 lesson. A general package with typical behaviors will start at $900 for 6 weeks. 

Once a package or lesson has been purchased and scheduled, I will let you know what you need ahead of our appointment. Homework will be provided to work on throughout the week and questions may be answered via email before the next session. We want to set up our clients for success, as well as their dogs.

Liz is amazing at breaking training down into small steps. She is also good at offering options based on how your particular dog learns. For example, I was trying to teach Trooper to side-step towards me by watching training videos and following steps shown on the videos. None of it was working for Trooper. Liz watched what I was doing and from there was able to break it down into small individual movements based on how Trooper would best learn. We worked on one movement at a time and within a few weeks, Trooper was side-stepping like a champ!

Patience was my biggest challenge. I want Trooper to learn tricks and techniques without breaking them down into small individual pieces. Liz taught me to practice one small step at a time and reward and celebrate before moving to the next. This has made a tremendous difference for both Trooper and me.

Liz understands and is knowledgeable about so many aspects of dog training, from obedience, exercise, trick training, freestyle, agility, rally, scent, etc. She uses all of this knowledge when training. For instance, one of our moves in freestyle is backing up. Lately, Trooper didn’t seem to enjoy backing up like he did in the past. Liz suggested that we work on some strength training for his back leg muscles and showed me some exercises. It seems to be working!

— Joanne and Trooper