Contact Us

And Power Up  Your Pup!

Please reach out with any questions or to start working with us! We will get back to you within 24 hours on weekdays. You can also email or call 636-336-6234. We look forward to working with you!


Which services are you interested in?

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question we didn’t answer? We’d be happy to add it to our list! Just drop us a note using the information above and we’ll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.

What age does the dog need to be?

We work with puppies and dogs of any age for any program.

What is your service location?

We work within 15 miles of St. Peter’s MO for prices listed on the site. From 15 miles to 30 miles, there will be a charge of $30 per session and from 30 to 45 miles, there will be a charge of $45 per session. 

What if I cannot get to my vet to get the form signed for fitness?

We cannot start a program without a form from your veterinarian to release your dog for activity.

What are your qualifications?

Liz is a Certified Professional Canine Fitness Trainer, a graduate with distinction from Victoria Stilwell Academy, has studied dog training and behavior extensively since 2013. She is a member of the Pet Professional Guild and a student member of IAABC. She is also qualified as a CGC and tricks evaluator. She will have a Master’s Degree in Animal Science and Behavior from Unity Environmental University in 2024.

What vaccinations are required before we begin?

Rabies vaccines are the only ones required by law. We would also like proof of vaccinations against parvovirus and distemper. Titers showing immunity are acceptable. Puppies who are too young for rabies vaccine will only need to provide current vaccinations appropriate for their age.

I live outside of St. Charles County. Can I still work with you?

Yes. We can find a location to do private lessons within my service area. Please see pricing info above for out of area.